Home News Return to Work SA Back Pay Calculator Updated!
Return to Work SA Back Pay Calculator Updated!
Friday 10 March 2023
Return to Work SA have given SISA the latest backpay calculator for our members to use please see link to calculator below:
Disclaimer on the Use of the Return to Work SA Calculator.
ReturnToWorkSA has taken reasonable care in the development and maintenance of these calculators, together with the information and formulae used in them. They have been developed by ReturnToWorkSA for its own internal use only. In consideration for ReturnToWorkSA making the Calculators available to self-insured employers, they acknowledge that:
• ReturnToWorkSA does not give any warranties or representations in relation to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the Calculators;
• A Self-insured employer’s use of the Calculators and any results produced by the Calculators are at their own risk;
• A Self-insured employer must make their own independent assessment of the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the Calculators and any results produced by the Calculators; and
• To the maximum extent permitted by law none of ReturnToWorkSA, its officers, employees, agents or advisers accepts any liability for any loss whatsoever (including without limitation any liability arising from any fault or negligence on their part) arising from the use of the Calculators or any results produced by the Calculators or otherwise arising in connection with the Calculators.