Healthy Workplaces Community of Practice - Preventive Health SA
Friday 15 November 2024
South Australian Business Chamber, 136 Greenhill Road, Unley
(Seminar / Conference)
Free event for anyone involved in implementing workplace health and wellbeing strategies. This session includes topics on mental health, workplace bullying and harassment.

Managing Psychosocial Hazards and Risks - ReturnToWorkSA
Tuesday 5 December 2023
(Seminar / Conference)
Free online workshop: ReturnToWorkSA’s Employer Skill Building Workshop Program, discussing new psychosocial regulations coming into effect on 25th December 2023.

Both Sides of the Fence 2023 - Workers Compensation Seminar
Friday 17 November 2023
Adelaide Convention Centre
(Seminar / Conference)
The seminar will continue to combine informative and engaging speakers with the opportunity for industry colleagues to network and discuss important issues.

Closing The Loop 2023 (Tickets through Access Events)
Thursday 21 September 2023
Morphetville Race Course
(Seminar / Conference)
Closing The Loop 2023
How to Correctly Handle Poor Performance and Misconduct in the Workplace
Wednesday 20 September 2023
DW Fox Tucker Lawyers L14, 96-100 King William Street, Adelaide SA
(Seminar / Conference)
This seminar will provide practical guidance to employers on how to effectively manage employee performance issues while also ensuring compliance with the Fair Work Act and avoiding potential legal risks.

Thinking of becoming Self Insured?
Tuesday 5 September 2023
SISA Head Office Level 1/170 Greenhill Road Parkside SA 5063
(Seminar / Conference)
Gilchrist Connell
Both Sides of the Fence 2022
Friday 18 November 2022
Adelaide Oval Ian McLachlan Room
(Seminar / Conference)
Both Sides of the Fence 2022
Closing the Loop 2021
Thursday 9 September 2021
All Day event
Adelaide Oval, William Magarey Room, War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Early Bird Registrations are NOW OPEN.
Healthy Workplaces SA- Community of Practice event
Friday 21 May 2021
On line or at Business SA
(Seminar / Conference)
SISA as a member of the Collaborative Partnership for Workplace Health and Wellbeing invites you to attend the Healthy Workplaces SA- Community of Practice event on Friday 21st May at 7.30am.
Both Sides of the Fence 2020
Friday 9 October 2020
Adelaide Oval Ian McLachlan Room
(Seminar / Conference)
The Both Sides of the Fence Workers Compensation Seminar is back for 2020.
Opening our eyes to opioids
Thursday 28 November 2019
The Kentish Hotel, 23 Stanley St North Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Join our panel facilitator, Robin Shaw as he provokes discussion between the panel and audience to consider the effects of opioids on our community, the account ability of insurers and employers and challenges us on how to address the problem.
Both Sides of the Fence
Friday 1 November 2019
Adelaide Oval
(Seminar / Conference)
Both Sides of the Fence Workers Compensation Seminar bookings are now open
2019 SA Safety Symposium: Major developments in WHS regulation and practice
Thursday 17 October 2019
The Adelaide Zoo, Figtree Conference Facility Frome Road Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
The AIHS SA Branch is pleased to announce the 2019 South Australia Safety Symposium: "Major developments in work health and safety regulation and practice" which will be held at the Adelaide Zoo on Thursday 17 October 2019.
WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS Taking the statement and briefing your lawyer!
Friday 2 August 2019
The Science Exchange The Thinking Space 55 Exchange Place Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Free seminar for all client of Bradbrook Lawyers with a current open file (of any kind) and $55 inclusive of GST for any other attendees. Morning tea will be provided.
2018 Personal Injury & Disability Management National Conference
Wednesday 17 October 2018 to Thursday 18 October 2018
Hilton Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
** Early bird rate closes Wednesday 15th August ** Keynote speakers include cancer survivor, inspirational speaker and international best-selling author Michael Crossland and global strategist and influencer Holly Ransom.
REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN for "Closing the Loop" Conference
Thursday 19 July 2018
Adelaide Oval, War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
** REGISTRATIONS OPEN** Registrations are NOW OPEN for this event.
Impairment Assessment under the RTW Act: A practical guide from a practitioners perspecti
Thursday 12 July 2018
Level 12, 81 Flinders Street, Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Impairment Assessment is the cornerstone for significant entitlements and fertile ground for disputes. This session looks to work through in a practical way the assessment process.
Free Breakfast Seminar - Where do YOU stand on sit/stand desks?
Thursday 8 March 2018
Konekt Adelaide, 490 Regency Road, Enfield
(Seminar / Conference)
Please join us for an informative seminar on the debate surrounding sit/stand desks. Breakfast from 7:30am - 8:00am. Presentation from 8:00am - 9:00am

Safety Institute of Australia SA 2017 South Australia Safety Symposium - Health & Wellbeing
Thursday 19 October 2017
Adelaide Zoo Figtree Conference Facility, Frome Rd, Adelaide SA 5000
(Seminar / Conference)
The SIA SA Branch is pleased to announce the 2017 South Australia Safety Symposium: Health & Wellbeing which will be held at the Adelaide Zoo on 19 October 2017.
Both Sides of the Fence 19
Friday 13 October 2017
Adelaide Oval
(Seminar / Conference)
We know that you enjoy the convenience and ambience of the facilities at the Adelaide Oval so we are back there this year for another Both Sides of the Fence Workers Compensation Seminar.
Friday 22 September 2017
Adelaide Entertainment Centre
(Member's Days)
** BOOKINGS ARE NOW OPEN FOR THE SISA 2017 AWARDS DINNER ** All bookings must be made by email to gail@sisa.net.au No telephone bookings will be taken
Spine Surgery in the US - the good, the bad and the ugly: Australia heading down the same path
Thursday 21 September 2017
The International Spine Centre, Level 3, Wakefield Auditorium, 270 Wakefield St, Adelaide
(Member's Days)
Join us for an evening with A/Professor Christopher Cain and Mr YH Yau discussing what we can learn to continue meeting patient needs and expectations
CHG Demonstration/Q&A Night: Pre-Employment Assessments
Wednesday 16 August 2017
CHG Clinic, 10 Railway Terrace 'North' (Cnr Hughes Street), MILE END
(Member's Days)
Please join us on Wednesday 18th August for a short presentation, demonstration and Q&A session with health professionals. We are providing an opportunity for you to see our pre-employment assessment tools in action and to discuss how these might assist your recruitment processes.
SISA Conference 2017 "Closing The Loop"
Thursday 20 July 2017
Adelaide Oval
(Seminar / Conference)
CLOSING THE LOOP 2017 Registrations are NOW OPEN

Overview of the Return to Work Act - webinar
Wednesday 3 May 2017
(Seminar / Conference)
Join Joe Parisi of Gilchrist Connell Lawyers for an informative introduction to the Return to Work Act 2014.
Taking a Stand Against Workplace Bullying
Wednesday 22 March 2017
QBE Office, Lvl 9, 400 King William St.
(Seminar / Conference)
Brodie’s Law has changed perception about the serious nature of bullying and the damaging consequences it may have.
Finlayson's Lawyers Workplace Connections - Bullying and Harassment; Update on key risks
Wednesday 15 February 2017
Level 12, 81 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
(Seminar / Conference)
In this session, we will break down the legal complexities to provide guidance to managers and HR practitioners on how claims get effectively managed and defended. An overview of recent cases will also assist those attending to assess where their internal risks sit.

Reducing Workplace Trauma & Burnout
Wednesday 23 November 2016
The Lion Hotel, 161 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Presented by renowned Adelaide Psychologist, Samantha Young, Director Broomhall Young Psychology, this workshop explores the “costs of caring” and provides information, self-audit, skills and self-care processes and tools to support professionals working in tough jobs that expose them to secondary trauma.
Workplace Connections Work Health Safety: Refresh, update and where to next?
Thursday 3 November 2016
Finlaysons Boardroom, Level 12 81 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
(Seminar / Conference)
New safety laws have been in place in SA for almost 4 years. It’s a good time to take stock of how the laws are being applied (in SA and across Australia) and to consider the direction taken by regulatory bodies and by businesses in response.
Are we sure we know, what we think we know, about the RTW Act?
Thursday 27 October 2016
Adelaide Pavilion Corner South Road & Peacock Terrace
(Seminar / Conference)
MSVS is proud to present another session from our panel of well respected professionals on the challenges and experiences post implementation of the new RTWSA Act.
Australian Insurance Lawyers Association (AILA) National Conference
Wednesday 12 October 2016 to Friday 14 October 2016
Adelaide Oval
(Seminar / Conference)
Register soon for the Australian Insurance Lawyers Association (AILA) National Conference to be held 12-14 October 2016 at the Adelaide Oval. As the name of the conference suggests the 2016 conference is all about the ‘Game Changers’ in the law and the insurance industry.
Both Sides of the Fence 2016
Friday 7 October 2016
Adelaide Oval
(Seminar / Conference)
SISA is once again a leading sponsor for Both Sides of the Fence.
SISA 2016 Awards Night - Friday 23rd September 2016
Friday 23 September 2016
Adelaide Entertainment Centre
(Member's Days)
SISA 2016 Awards Night - Friday 23rd September 2016
2016 Faculty of Pain Medicine Spring Meeting - Managing pain in the workplace
Friday 16 September 2016 to Sunday 18 September 2016
Adelaide Hills Convention Centre, Hahndorf
(Seminar / Conference)
The Faculty of Pain Medicine would like to invite you to historic Hahndorf for this inspiring three day event. This year, the theme “Managing pain in the workplace” will examine the complex issues accompanying pain management and rehabilitation in the setting of occupational injury.
Women's Health Event
Thursday 8 September 2016
(Seminar / Conference)

Managing Challenging Personalities in the Workplace
Thursday 11 August 2016
The Lion Hotel, 161 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Are you a manager, HR professional or team leader looking to learn how to understand and effectively manage challenging personalities in the workplace?

7th National ARPA Conference - Health Benefits of Good Work – Your Best Investment
Sunday 7 August 2016 to Tuesday 9 August 2016
Grand Hyatt Hotel, Melbourne
(Seminar / Conference)
The Conference Organising Committee has developed a vigorous program around the Health Benefits of Work. As a result Workplace Rehabilitation Professionals, HR Managers, Life Insurers, Workers’ Compensation Agents amongst others will be attracted to gain more knowledge as to why it is the best investment.

SISA Annual Conference Thursday 28th July 2016
Thursday 28 July 2016
The Adelaide Oval, War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Don’t miss Closing the Loop 2016! This year will offer a stronger program than ever. You will hear from a broad range of expert and entertaining speakers on advances in workforce wellness, safety and return to work in the new environment of the Return to Work Act 2014.

SA Safety Seminar Series OHS 70 years on
Thursday 14 July 2016 to Friday 16 September 2016
West Adelaide Football Club Function Room 57 Milner Road, Richmond
(Seminar / Conference)
August 2016 marks the 70th Anniversary of the FIRST ever Australian Safety Conference, which was held here in Adelaide. In 1946 there were no workplace safety laws as we know them today. How far have we really progressed in 70 years?

Legal essentials to manage bullying and harassment
Tuesday 21 June 2016
(Seminar / Conference)
Will Snow of Finlaysons will be hosting a 1 hour webinar Legal essentials to manage bullying and harassment on 21 June, from 2:30 – 3:30 (CST).

Reducing Workplace Trauma & Burnout - BYP Workshop Facilitated By Samantha Young
Wednesday 15 June 2016
The Lion Hotel, 161 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Does your work involve helping others? Do you hear/see/read traumatic stories regularly at work? Are you exposed to "the cost of caring"? Vicarious Trauma & Burnout are occupational hazards from working in caring professions that can seriously impact well-being.

Safety Institute of Australia South Australian Safety Symposium
Monday 16 May 2016 to Tuesday 17 May 2016
Stamford Plaza Hotel, North Terrace Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Get clued up on the very latest Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) guidelines and remain compliant in all areas of your business, at the Safety Institute of Australia’s annual South Australian Safety Symposium 2016.
Konekt Market Report Vol 3 Launch
Tuesday 10 May 2016
The Adelaide Oval, Cathedral Room, War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
The Konekt Market Report is the most comprehensive review of return to work (RTW) cases in Australia. The third volume outlines seven years of rehabilitation outcomes, analysing more than 130,000 referrals.
Webinar to discuss the Walmsley section 18(3) decision
Thursday 21 April 2016
(Seminar / Conference)
Joe Parisi, Principal of Gilchrist Connell Legal will discuss s.18 of the RTW Act following the recent decision of the Tribunal in Walmsley.
Mental Health and Workforce Wellbeing Training April - May 2016
Tuesday 12 April 2016 to Tuesday 3 May 2016
Adelaide and Whyalla
(Seminar / Conference)
Make an investment in mental health and wellbeing today!

The New Era: Understanding and Managing the Impact of Mental Health on Work Performance
Tuesday 5 April 2016
ASC Training & Development Level 4, 144 North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000
(Seminar / Conference)
No matter what your role is in an organisation, this one-day event provides both a legal and psychological perspective on what to do and what to avoid when dealing with a mental health concern.

Difficult Conversations: Managing Difficult Personalities the Workplace
Thursday 12 November 2015
Adelaide Pavilion cnr South Terrace & Peacock Road, Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Aggression, grandiosity, self-interest, emotional drama, dependence, passive aggression; even rampant narcissism and psychopathy. For the leader charged with managing individuals who display such behaviour in the workplace, the challenge becomes understanding the difference between “annoying” and “inappropriate” behaviour.

The New Era: How mental health impacts performance
Wednesday 11 November 2015
ASC Training & Development Level 4, 144 North Terrace (My Budget Building)
(Seminar / Conference)
This one day event highlights how organisations and managers can become more equipped to manage employees who have experienced a psychological injury, a traumatic event or some other form of emotional breakdown.

YHY & Associates Educational Film Night Focusing on Spinal Injury - 'The Intouchables'
Thursday 29 October 2015
Palace Nova Eastend Cinemas, 3 Cinema Place Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
This event will be attended by multiple disciplines with a focus on spinal specialty. This is a unique Educational Film night which will be an RACGP accredited event where we will be screening the French film “The Intouchables”. This is a story from the patient’s perspective following his journey in a unique and beautiful way.
SISA 2015 Awards Night Friday 25th September 2015
Friday 25 September 2015
(Member's Days)
SISA 2015 Awards Night Friday 25th September 2015
Friday 25 September 2015
Adelaide Entertainment Centre
(Member's Days)

Understanding the Corporate Psychopath
Wednesday 23 September 2015
Adelaide Pavilion cnr South Terrace & Peacock Road, Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
The term “Psychopath” is often used (and at times overused). However, Corporate Psychopaths do exist and where they do, bullying nearly doubles and staff turnover increases. Luke Broomhall will provide an insight to the psychopathic mind and basic strategies for organisations seeking to manage destructive behaviour in the workplace.
Employers Duty to Provide Work under the RTW Act 2014
Wednesday 23 September 2015
ITR 490 Regency Rd Enfield SA
(Seminar / Conference)
We have now been trained in what section 18 says. So — do you know how to convert this into an operational process to ensure you can meet your obligations?
SANE Mindful Employer Workshop
Tuesday 22 September 2015
CMR Personnel, 251 Richmond Road, RICHMOND SA
(Seminar / Conference)
This 3 hour workshop, run in partnership with Sane Australia, will provide participants with appropriate information on mental illness and training to recognise the early warning signs and the appropriate skills for early intervention.

Specialist Opinion Services for GPs and Injured Workers
Wednesday 26 August 2015
Adelaide Pavilion cnr South Terrace and King William Road
(Seminar / Conference)
The new Return to Work Act 2014 has been the most significant change to the workers compensation scheme in South Australia since 1986. A key intent of these changes is to engage workers and support treating doctors to get the best outcomes for workers. We have introduced a new service for General Practitioners (GPs) called GPS2 designed to help workers get on the right clinical track to recovery.
SISA Annual Conference 30th July 2015
Thursday 30 July 2015
Adelaide Oval
(Seminar / Conference)
SISA Annual Conference 30th July 2015
Strategic Planning for Psychologically Safe & Healthy Workplaces
Wednesday 25 March 2015
(Seminar / Conference)
With growing recognition that awareness and diagnosis based initiatives are largely ineffective in stemming the rise of workplace psychological health concerns, many organisations are investing more time, in up-front planning and in ongoing program review, to ensure they are maximising their impact in this area.
Both Sides of the Fence 16
Friday 31 October 2014
Stamford Plaza, North Terrace Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
The ever-popular Both Sides of the Fence conference will be held on Friday 31st October 2014 at the Stamford Plaza, North Terrace Adelaide.
Managing Conflict in the Workplace
Wednesday 22 October 2014
ASC Training
(Seminar / Conference)
Managing Conflict in the Workplace
SISA Annual Conference 30th July 2014 WAITING LIST ONLY - PLEASE CALL DENISE ON 8352 6466
Wednesday 30 July 2014
Hilton Hotel Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
SA’s proposed new workers compensation system under the microscope
Thursday 24 July 2014
The Hindmarsh Room, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Breakfast Briefing Seminar hosted by the National Insurance Brokers Association and the Australian Insurance Law Association.
Xchanging Industry Forum
Friday 13 June 2014
The Rob Roy Hotel 106 Halifax Street Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
This Xchanging Industry Forum is devoted to workers compensation with updates on WorkCover including registered employers and self-insured employers.
Bradbrook Lawyers presentation on Workplace Bullying – 3 Jurisdictions
Thursday 29 May 2014
CBD location to be advised
(Seminar / Conference)
This presentation will involve a quick recap of the major changes, responsibilities, definitions and penalties around workplace bullying.
Next Practice - the 6th National ARPA Conference
Sunday 4 May 2014 to Tuesday 6 May 2014
Sheraton on the Park Sydney
(Seminar / Conference)
Professionals from all areas are familiar with the term best practice, but how do we improve on that? For this reason ARPA wants to go to the next level and consider Next Practice in the Modern Workplace.
Xchanging Industry Forum
Monday 24 March 2014
Xchanging, Level 2, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney
(Seminar / Conference)
This Xchanging Industry Forum is devoted to workers compensation with updates on the WorkCover and Comcare self-insurance sectors, initiatives driving return to work performance and legislative reform.
SISA 2013 Conference - Closing the Loop
Thursday 18 July 2013
Hilton Hotel Victoria Square ADELAIDE SA 5000
(Seminar / Conference)
SISA 2013 Conference

UniSA 3 day course - Safety in Laboratories - AS 2243 and AS 2982
Tuesday 2 July 2013 to Thursday 4 April 2013
UniSA Mawson Lakes Campus
(Seminar / Conference)
UniSA is hosting this 3 day course on Safety in Laboratories. The courses are open to UniSA staff and research students with places also available to participants from outside the university.

UniSA short course - Safety in Nanotechnology
Monday 1 July 2013
UniSA Mawson Lakes Campus
(Seminar / Conference)
UniSA is hosting this short course on the new field of nanotechnology. The courses are open to UniSA staff and research students with places also available to participants from outside the university.

Personality in the Workplace: The Elephant in the Room - 10% discount for SISA members
Thursday 8 November 2012
Sebel Playford Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
This workshop will address the role of personality in the workplace and how to work with personality-based issues. The presenter will be Dr Peter Cotton, Clinical and Organisational Psychologist specialising in occupational mental health and how organisational environments influence employee behavioural and wellbeing outcomes. SISA members registering for the event will receive a 10% discount.
Industrial Relations Society of SA State Convention: Striking A Balance: 2012 and Beyond
Friday 19 October 2012
National Wine Centre, Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Join IRSSA for an enjoyable and informative Convention at the National Wine Centre. The presenters will discuss topics such as: - ?General Protections?, following the expected handing down of the High Court?s decision in Barclay; - workplace negotiations for success; - the future of industrial relations following Fair Work Act review.
Friday 21 September 2012
Adelaide Entertainment Centre
(Member's Days)
SISA 2012 Awards Dinner
HFESA Seminar - Improving Facility Design in Health
Thursday 30 August 2012
RDNS training rooms, 1 Richmond Rd, Keswick
(Seminar / Conference)
The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia is pleased to present this one day workshop on designing health and aged care facilities for safety. The workshop is hosted by the Healthcare Ergonomics Special Interest Group (HealthSIG) in conjunction with the South Australian Branch of HFESA and the national professional development program.
HR and WHS Conferences
Monday 20 August 2012 to Wednesday 22 August 2012
Adelaide Convention Centre
(Seminar / Conference)
Human Resources Seminar and Expo, WHS Conference Trade Show 2012
Thursday 26 July 2012
Hilton Hotel Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Closing the Loop 2012 will equip you with a practical understanding of the challenge of developing integrated WHS and RTW management systems and continuous improvement and the benefits it can deliver.
Resilience at Work 2012
Thursday 5 July 2012
Hilton Hotel, Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Following the successful 2011 Resilience at Work conference, Gary Collis and Associates are pleased to announce the 2012 Resilience at Work conference 'Stress: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?.
Fatigue Management & OHS performance in the workplace
Monday 2 July 2012
Appleton Institute CQU 44 Greenhill Road WAYVILLE SA
(Seminar / Conference)
Prof Drew Dawson is nationally and internationally recognised for his contributions to the scientific community and to industry in the areas of sleep research, organisational psychology and human factors, industrial relations negotiations and the human implications of hours of work.
Changes & Challenges 2012
Tuesday 8 May 2012
Adelaide Convention Centre
(Seminar / Conference)
On 8 May 2012, Business SA will host its annual Changes and Challenges Business Conference, sponsored by Employers Mutual, SISA and a range of other organisations. Join South Australian company leaders, business owners and executives to learn more about the changes and challenges facing business today and how to overcome them.

Safety ? It's People: Adelaide Conference & Expo by the Safety Institute of Australia
Wednesday 26 October 2011
Adelaide Event & Exhibition Centre, Ridley Pavilion, Goodwood Road Wayville SA
(Seminar / Conference)
Presented by The Safety Institute of Australia Inc, Safety ? It's People: Adelaide Conference & Expo will be promoted broadly throughout Australia. The SIA offers a flexible range of promotional opportunities which will enable you to meet and influence people with a proven interest in the safety arena.

WorkCover SA Conference 2011 - Staying Connected
Wednesday 14 September 2011
Adelaide Convention Centre
(Seminar / Conference)
This year?s WorkCover SA conference is about ?Staying connected? and focuses on workplace relationships, communication and working together, all key factors in helping injured workers remain at or return to work.
Reading People
Tuesday 16 August 2011 to Wednesday 17 August 2011
To be advised
(Seminar / Conference)
The 2011 version of the New Intelligence ?Reading People? program incorporates the latest in research & techniques for increasing your ability to practice the Art & Science of Reading People. Attendees at various SISA functions will have seen and heard the MD of New Intelligence Steve Longford presenting on this keenly sought after topic. Feedback from these presentations has been overwhelming & many have asked for more.
SISA Conference - Closing the Loop 2011 - Sponsorship
Tuesday 26 July 2011
Hilton Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)

SISA Conference - Closing the Loop 2011 - Registration
Tuesday 26 July 2011
Hilton Hotel Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Following the success of Closing the Loop 2010 the Self Insurers of South Australia (SISA) is pleased to announce that the Closing the Loop 2011 Conference will continue the theme of work health and safety and rehabilitation/RTW as a single living cycle that informs and improves itself.
The Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc 'Knowledge through Sharing'
Wednesday 22 June 2011
Adelaide Pavilion, Veale Gardens, Cnr South Terrace & Peacock Road, Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
Listen as four highly respected and experienced professionals share their knowledge and skills in improving workplace health and well-being through the application of Human Factors and Ergonomics.

Changes & Challenges Conference 2011
Tuesday 7 June 2011
Adelaide Convention Centre
(Seminar / Conference)
SISA is proud to sponsor the 2011 Changes and Challenges Business Conference. Join many of South Australia?s company leaders, business owners and executives to discuss and learn about the changes and challenges facing business today and how to overcome them.

Challenging perceptions ASORC National Conference 2011
Thursday 19 May 2011
The Menzies Sydney Hotel
(Seminar / Conference)
The Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC) Conference Organising Committee invites you to join us at the 2011 ASORC National Conference. The conference will be held at the Menzies Sydney Hotel on the 19th & 20th May 2011 with the Pre-Conference Workshop as well as the Welcome Reception on the 18th May.
Workplace Health and Safety Intensive
Thursday 5 May 2011
Adelaide Pavilion, Veale Gardens, cnr South Road, Adelaide
(Seminar / Conference)
With the implementation of new work health & safety laws in 2012, it is timely to take stock of where your organisation is currently at in relation to its workplace health and safety status.

Association of Self Insured Employers of Queensland Conference 2011
Monday 28 March 2011
Plaza Terrace Room, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
(Seminar / Conference)
Achieve better outcomes by successfully linking Safety, Health, Wellness & Injury Management at the workplace.