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Self-insured injury management standards and guidance notes - Final Draft

Thursday 11 July 2024

Dear Members,

In consultation with RTWSA it has been agreed that there is to be an extension to the date for the Feedback to be provided to RTWSA on the revised Injury Management Standards.

The Feedback is to be returned to RTWSA no later than COB on the 29th of July, giving everyone an opportunity to review and comment.

If there are any concerns, please contact me to discuss.

Rachel Webber

Changes to Self-insured injury management standards and guidance notes

ReturnToWorkSA have completed the consultation for the Self-insured IM standards and guidance notes and the final draft is available on our website. We would like to thank all who engaged in the consultation sessions and provided feedback.

We received detailed and considered feedback and have engaged further with stakeholders to further understand this before making final changes.

Key changes as a result of the consultation are:

  • Updating the numbering for sub-element 1.1.2
  • The addition of a minimum timeframe in sub-element 1.1.2d for notification prior to the cessation of entitlement for medical expenses.
  • Further detail around expectations for lump sums in sub-elements 1.1.2m and 2.7.1.
  • Changing terminology from ‘Early Intervention Program’ to ‘Pre-claim program’
  • Further definition of what is considered a systemic breach for sub-element 1.1.5.
  • ReturnToWorkSA received feedback that there is inconsistency in the quality and timeliness of information provided to self-insured employees. Additional requirements and a timeframe have been added to sub-element 1.6.2. We have also added the requirement for provision of ‘Any standardised information or materials to be provided to employees as directed by ReturnToWorkSA”. ReturnToWorkSA will engage further with stakeholders on the development of a standard information brochure for self-insured employees which will provide an overview of self-insurance including rights and responsibilities of relevant parties.
  • Updates to sub-element 2.5.4 to reference consultation in line with s25(5) of the Act and the inclusion of consultation with the GP.

A tracked change version of the updates that have been made is attached for ease of reference. We have also updated the catalogue of changes document on our website.

We welcome any final feedback on the changes by 19 July 2024 via

Following this we will make the final version and catalogue of changes available on our website. Employers will be provided until 31 December 2024 to update systems and implement changes. Claims reviewed at evaluation will be assessed against the requirements applicable at that point in time although existing legislative requirements will not change.

We understand that training and implementation needs may vary, however we believe this is an appropriate timeframe. Evaluators will consider reasonable submissions to seek an extension of the grace period for certain sub-elements where appropriate rationale is provided.

We also received feedback to improve:

  • the depth and quality of data that is collected,
  • the transparency of scheme performance, and;
  • opportunities to understand worker experience.

We will explore this further in FY25 when we undertake our reviews of the Code of Conduct and EDI data specification.